American College Fund


Oberlin Shansi is excited to relaunch a historic engagement with American College in Madurai in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. This reimagined partnership will build upon 50 years of collaboration, while incorporating new and enriching approaches.

Shansi Fellows will manage the Shansi International Center, which will host a range of global awareness programs and provide writing support for students and young faculty. They will collaborate with the Study Centre for Indian Literature in English and Translation (SCILET), provide teaching assistance for select classes, and engage with American College’s rural education initiatives in the Madurai district. They will also devote time to engaging with local community service organizations.

As part of our commitment to multilateral exchange, we will resume Visiting Scholar appointments with faculty from American College. Through this program, young and mid-career academic professionals can conduct research, observe liberal arts pedagogies, attend academic conferences in the US, and engage with local community-based organizations.

Over the next five years, Shansi and American College will support two Shansi Fellows for two years each at American College and will provide two Visiting Scholar appointments. We need the support of our community to ensure this program is sustainable.

Please consider a multi-year pledge to access the generous matching funds provided by one of our alumni. The pledge form can be accessed here.

​Online: To make a gift in support of American College, click the yellow "Donate" button below to securely donate online through PayPal. You can use your PayPal account if you have one, but you do not need a PayPal account to make a credit card donation. Please check the box to share your mailing address with us as you go through your PayPal transaction so that we can send you an acknowledgement letter.

Be sure to write "American College" in the note field to ensure your gift is matched!

Snail Mail: If you would prefer to send your contribution by mail, please click here for the Oberlin Shansi Printable Donation Form and send your check and the completed form (be sure to check the American College Fund box!) to:   

Oberlin Shansi

103 Peters Hall

Oberlin, OH  44074

Gift of Stock: In addition to making a gift by check or credit card, you can also give a gift of stock. If you would like to make a gift of stock, guidelines may be found here or contact the Shansi office via telephone at (440) 775-8605 or email at for account transfer information.​