Papermaking & Book Art Winter Term now accepting applications

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Aimee Lee (OC '99) will be returning to Oberlin this Winter Term to teach her course on papermaking! As described below:

“Through hands-on practice, students will learn to make paper and books while discovering their impact on past history and present culture. Led by a prominent papermaking artist, teacher, and award-winning author Aimee Lee, you will learn to make paper in eastern and western styles, decorate paper, and transform these sheets into books using bindings from around the world. Seed, leaf, and bast fiber will be processed from raw plant materials to demonstrate a range of fiber preparation. You will make paper in Hales and bind books in Mudd, acquiring an impressive stash of materials and techniques. This studio intensive will also provide a full historical, scientific, and technological context of these practices.

Field trips include a day trip to Cleveland to visit the Morgan Conservatory, a paper and book arts center, and Zygote Press, a fully-equipped green printshop. On campus, you will view artists’ books at the Art Library and videos, manuscripts, paper artifacts, and tools in Special Collections. A rare opportunity to study with the country’s foremost Korean papermaking scholar, this class can serve as your practicum requirement for the Book Studies Concentration.

At the end of the course, you will present your work in an exhibit at Mudd Library to share your new artwork with the wider Oberlin community!”


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